penulis opera bahasa Inggris
- penulis: author; columnist; the author; writer; writers;
- opera: opera; opera house; music
- penulis: author; columnist; the author; writer; writers; man of letters; poet; composer; autor; essayist; litterateur; scribe
- senarai opera-opera penting: ldifranza|opera in the spanish language; ldifranza|list of operas in the spanish language
- a night at the opera: a night at the opera (queen album)
- chou, opera: chou role
- dan, opera: dan role
- gedung opera: opera houses; opera house; operating room
- genre opera: opera genres
- horse opera: horse opera; western
- kanta opera: opera glasses; field glasses; binoculars; binocs
- komponis opera: opera composers
- korpus opera: list of operas by composer
- opera agung: grand opera
- opera antariksa: space opera